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FREE Accountability, Sprinting and
Critique Partner Matchup

Finding a beta reader or critique partner is vital to the writing process.

Yet it's hard!

I've created a "CP Matchup" spreadsheet to help. But for this to work, there are a few rules you must follow, which you will see in the spreadsheet. Failure to adhere to the rules will disqualify you from participating.

PLEASE NOTE: While this is started by Lori Goldstein's THINK WRITE initiative, she is NOT a moderator nor active beyond granting access to the spreadsheet. Please report inappropriate conduct immediately via DM on Instagram (lorigoldsteinbooks).

To sign up, visit the CP Matchup spreadsheet, request access to the file, then once admitted, read the rules *in full* and enter the required information in the appropriate tab (adult, YA/MG, picture book, memoir/narrative nonfiction, fiction). 

This matchup will be continuously updated so keep checking back!

Looking for my private or small group book coaching? Email Lori.


Interested in my Nine-Month Mentorship Program?

Find out more.


Local writing retreat? I've got one!

Ready to Sign Up? Have Questions?

Get in touch so we can start working together.

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Thank you! I'll be in touch soon!

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